



Valley City Trap Club News

July 25, 2023

Submitted by Lewis Legge


Last Tuesday (25th) was just about a rain out.  It rained early but then let off enough for Ron Koslofsky to try and brutalize me on the trap range.  We both walked away with 24’s but he had me on the ropes.  We did get time to do some last-minute organizing for the Buffalo Burger fund raiser.

I’d like to thank everyone who supported us during the Crazy Day event at Valley Meat and the downtown booth, also everyone who worked preparing for and working on that day. It was brutally hot though.  It threw sales off a bit but really took a toll on those working.  The two others cooking at my stand were so dehydrated and overheated I had to pour water on them.

Chef Lewis Legge Master of the fried Onion! Legend has it he is so tough he makes Onions cry!

Next Tuesday we’ll continue on with Triple Dog Dare.

Remember we are the lowest priced trap range in the state and we appreciate your support.  Thanks again everyone.  Shoot well.