(NAFB.com) – Growth Energy recently filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in The San Antonio Refinery, LLC, v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The case pertains to a group of refineries seeking to avoid complying with the Renewable Fuel Standard, which requires oil refiners to blend a specific amount of biofuels into their fuel each year. The petitioning refineries allege that the EPA’s “Alternative RIN Retirement Schedule for Small Refineries”–an adjustment made to allow refineries to meet their RFS obligations over an extended period of time–did not go far enough and should have allowed the refineries not to comply with the RFS at all. Growth Energy’s amicus brief reiterates the fact that the oil industry continues to look for ways to avoid complying with the RFS. Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor says, “The oil industry should stop playing the victim and get on board with the most successful climate policy enacted to date.”