VALLEY CITY, N.D. (CCHD) – City-County Health District (CCHD) released its annual report for 2022.
“While the year 2020 and much of 2021 were consumed with our COVID-19 response, 2022 allowed us to fully resume all programs, almost fully staffed” states Theresa Will, CCHD Administrator. As CCHD was able to resume all programs, time was spent preparing the 2023-2025 Strategic Plan. The plan focuses on ensuring that employees are equipped to support the work of local public health and to communicate the needs of local public health and the community. In addition, CCHD will continue its work to support the health and well being of all people by taking steps to lessen the unfair differences that impact a person’s health and well being. The Strategic Plan was adopted by the District Board of Health.
City-County Health District continues to work with local partners to address the top community concerns including the availability of mental health services, the frequency of depression/anxiety in our youth, and youth drug use/abuse. The 2021 Community Health Needs Assessment, done jointly with CHI Mercy Health, identified these as the top concerns in the community.
“Mental Health First Aid provides individuals with the skills and conversation starters needed to help someone in need. CCHD offers training for individuals or organizations who are interested in becoming a Mental Health First Aider,” states Will. “If you are
interested in taking the training, please call 845-8518.”
CCHD recently received a federal Health Resources and Services Administration grant. “This grant allows us to work with our healthcare systems, looking closely at the integration of primary care and behavioral health (mental health and addiction) care
services while accessing and addressing gaps in an 8-county region,” states Will.
The 2022 Annual Report is available at citycountyhealth.org For more information, contact City-County Health District at 845-8518.