JAMESTOWN, N.D. (JRMC) — Jamestown Regional Medical Center (JRMC) recently announced Joey Cotton as its most recent Legend Award recipient. Cotton is a Plant Operations Tech II.
The Legend Award is the most prestigious distinction for a JRMC employee. Legends are employees who live JRMC’s
mission to exceed expectations and be THE difference in the lives of those they serve.
According to his nomination letter, “Joey Cotton is a consistent legend. Just recently, Marketing asked him to help audit the building for an upcoming sign installation. He agreed – responding promptly, pleasantly and with precision. In addition, at the winter employee celebration called Golden Gala, Joey spent what was supposed to be a fun and relaxing event tearing down speakers, the podium, decorations, etc., and returning it all to JRMC. He and his wife, Mel, didn’t have to spend their special evening doing this, yet they did anyway. In addition, Joey and Mel have spent the Fourth of July, Black Friday and precious summer Saturdays at work, setting up and tearing down for the JRMC parades. They are the first to arrive and last to leave.”
Other examples of how Joey is THE difference:
Above and beyond: If he sees a display or tables that need to be set up or tucked away, he’ll help without complaint.
Eye for accuracy: Whether he is measuring for an installation project or cleaning corners of the building, Joey measures to the 1/16th of an inch and cleans every cranny. He does this without being asked. “Even though he doesn’t work at the bedside, Joey helps JRMC deliver award-winning care. He is an example for us to emulate,” said Plant Manager Casey Aldinger.
Throughout his five years with JRMC, Cotton has consistently exceeded expectations. In addition to events, he also
supports and promotes JRMC on his personal social media accounts. “Joey is one of the Top Fans on the JRMC Facebook page. He likes and shares our content, ensuring more people see the great faces of JRMC’s legendary care,” according to the nomination letter.
JRMC Legends are real-life examples for others to follow. Every day, acts of heroism take place in healthcare. “Joey is a deserving Legend recipient,” said JRMC President & CEO Mike Delfs. “Plant team members ensure all patients, visitors and staff are safe and comfortable in the hospital environment. Joey does all this and more.” Chief Financial Officer Bev Fiferlick said Joey’s love for JRMC is clear. “You are truly deserving of this award,” she said.
The Legend Award first began in 2012. Since then, employees have named more than 40 individuals as Legends and
nominated nearly 150.