Valley City Trap Club News
July 11, 2023
Submitted by Lewis Legge
Upcoming news: Next week’s Tuesday, July 18, will be the last league night for this summer’s scores. Scores must be in by then to be included in the tally.
There were a lot of people to visit with and shoot with on Tuesday evening. Speaking of visitors, Royce Carlson was down from Wimbledon with a flyer for their club. Tri County Trap and Wildlife Club is having their Top Gun Challenge on Saturday, July 15th at 10:30 am. Competitive arms will be shotgun and rimfire. Bring your favorite ammo. Cash prizes, fame and glory await you. Get ya’ some!
League standings are: Big Country Grapple-629, Fab 5-603, Claire’s Crew-577, Smith Lumber-571, Valley Meat-511 and RC Welding-453.
Top 5-stand was Royce Carlson with 20. Eric Ingstad had top trap with 25 and top skeet at 24. You know that Eric can shoot pretty well. I’m thinking the only way to beat him will be to sneeze or cough when he calls for the target. Or better yet, a well-timed noisy odiferous expulsion may throw his game off. Shoot well.