VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The CROP WALK for HUNGER this past May raised over $7000 with approximately $350 going to the Hi-Liner Food Pantry and $1400 going to the Barnes County Food Pantry.
The local ecumenical group partners with Church World Service for this event in order to also reach out to help people across the globe. This year parts of Kenya have been hit by drought and now severe flooding creating a hotspot for the adverse impacts of climate change.
To combat severe weather changes, Church World Service-CROP is working in communities to teach modern beekeeping skills. Hives hang in trees, meaning when flood waters flow by, the hives are safe from destruction. Beekeeping helps families to increase their income in a way that mitigates the toll of climate-related emergencies and doesn’t put further strain on the ecosystem. This helps families and communities become more resilient.
The committee would like to thank everyone who walked and donated. “You made another persons life better,” states Sharon Buhr and Pastor Kyle Symanski, co-chairs of the HUNGER WALK.
Sharon Buhr and Pastor Kyle Symanski
Co-Chairs, Barnes County CROP WALK for HUNGER