JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com/NDDOT) – Law enforcement across the state will have extra patrols for the month of July for the Click It or Ticket campaign enforcing the state seat belt law.
Until Aug. 1, North Dakota’s seat belt law will remain secondary enforcement, meaning law enforcement can only issue a seat belt citation when a driver is pulled over for a different infraction and found not to be wearing a seat belt. Occupants in the front seat must be buckled up, regardless of age. All occupants younger than 18 must be properly restrained regardless of their location in a vehicle.
“Remember, everyone buckled in every seat, every trip, every time. Not only will it help protect you in a crash, but it will soon be the law in North Dakota. It’s a good habit to get into that could save your life,” said Eddy County Sheriff Paul Lies.
Preliminary data for 2022 shows that 69% of crash fatalities were unbelted where seat belts were present in the vehicle. In an effort to save lives, North Dakota’s seat belt law is changing. Beginning Aug. 1, the seat belt law becomes a primary enforcement, meaning no other violation is required for a driver to be pulled over by law enforcement and issued a seat belt citation. The law will also require all occupants to wear a seat belt, regardless of where they are sitting in the vehicle.
The Click It or Ticket campaign is a part of the Summer H.E.A.T. (Highway Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic) strategy and Vision Zero initiative to eliminate fatalities and serious injuries on North Dakota roadways. Summer H.E.A.T. will take place through August to encourage everyone to wear a seat belt, use appropriate child passenger safety seats, follow all posted speed limits, and drive sober and distraction-free.