
Lindsey Wiehl

VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Bridges Arts Council is proud to announce our third season of Sunday Afternoons in Pioneer Park with our first event featuring Dr. Lindsey Wiehl with “Bassoon in June”. The event will take place this Sunday, June 11 at 5:30pm at the Pioneer Park Amphitheater located at 800 4th St. NW. This year’s line up includes some great performers that will be perfect in the smaller, more intimate setting of Pioneer Park.

Lindsey Wiehl is a songwriter, performer, and music scholar. She believes that the brainy and complex side of music can co-exist with the enjoyable and fun side of music, and works to spread her love for music as a music professor at Valley City State University. Lindsey encourages others to unapologetically pursue their interests while ignoring stereotypes and preconceived notions of what it means to be a musician. She is a composer, performer, and songwriter, often creating opportunities to bring typical classical instruments into varying genres. You can learn more
about her art at www.lindseywiehl.com

Spokesman Nick Lee said this event is part of programming in the renovated Pioneer Park Amphitheater. The Bridges Arts Council, along with other community members and groups, helped renovate the Pioneer Park Amphitheater are excited to once again have live programming at the venue. The Bridges Arts Council would also like to invite you to the future events that will be held at the Pioneer Park Amphitheater:

June 25- The 3D’s
July 9- Twelve Strings- Classical and Jazz Guitar Duo
July 23- Evie Andrus- Fiddle From the Soul For the Soul
August 13- VCHS Speech Team
August 27- VCSU Opera Ensemble

For more information or questions about this and upcoming events please contact Bridges Arts Council Administrator, Nick Lee, at administrator@bridgesarts.org or by calling 701-840-6182 and leaving a voicemail.