
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Last Friday “Back to the Future VC-2043”, a production written & directed by Carol Foth and Collette Jensen was presented.  Sue and I thoroughly enjoyed watching the very talented young folks.  The story is a young Mom brought her family to show off her “home town” providing information and humor throughout the play.  Wes Anderson and I each had the pleasure of investing some time with the young cast and crew during rehearsals and the production.  Congratulations on a great show and thank you for welcoming and allowing us to be part of your cast ….. “That’s livin’ in Valley City for ya!”

On June 5th the Automated Garbage Collection begins for Valley City residential areas (Please read the packet of information attached to the container left at your address).  A few things, containers are to be out by 7:00 AM, the lid MUST CLOSE, there needs to be 3 feet of clearance around the container and it must face the road (wheels toward your house).  * Your old garbage cans can be taken to the Transfer Station at no charge.

The Soap Box Derby brought a nice crowd of people to town Saturday.  The young drivers all seemed to have a blast while parents were working like crazy in the pits making adjustments, switching wheels and the like.  Thank you for being here everyone.

“NBA Mind Health” is a new program available to all who want help to comfort behavioral health challenges.  If something is bothering you, please know there are places where you can find help.  Take a moment and visit the website. https://mindhealth.nba.com/, “Be good to yourself” and “Be Good to each other”.

Valley City is a Municipal Power Community and nearly 90% of our power is carbon free.  Our power in April was “on” 99.99998% of the time.

Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful, Dave Carlsrud mayor of Valley City.