L to R; Lois Brier, Maren Gemar, Bill Carlblom, Dave Carlsrud, John McClintock, and Maxine Miller
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Recently Valley City Mayor, Dave Carlsrud and Barnes County Commission Chair, Bill Carlblom met with a few of the Residents from St. Raphael to talk about Long Term Care and what the plans are for the special week. During the visit, the two leaders signed a proclamation officially declaring the week.
Long Term Care has been present in Valley City and Barnes County for nearly 85 years. Starting with Lutheran Hospital and Homes Society and now SMP Health-St. Raphael. The names have changed a few times, but the care hasn’t. The staff is fully committed to give 100% of themselves to continue to provide the residents with the most loving and high quality, physical, spiritual, and emotional care possible. The support and love from this community has always been very strong and makes our mission even easier.
The public is invited to attend any of the special scheduled events and visit a Nursing Home Resident. The list of events is attached below.