Valley City Trap Club News
Tuesday, 05-09-2023
Submitted by Lewis Legge
A bit of wind on the range Tuesday night. Still, a few of us diehards can’t help but be present. Southeast winds make targets rise at an incredible rate on House #1 because of the lay of the land. They are not for the faint of heart but do make for interesting shooting. Watching shooters follow and lead targets resembled the tracking cameras for NASA rocket launches.
Wrestling buddies Zack Anderson and Brad Broten were introduced to trapshooting by their fathers tonight. Zack is from VC and Brad is from Barnes County North. I thought they were doing quite well for beginners.
Remember league shooting starts May 30th and runs for six weeks. Contact Lewis Legge 490-0729. I should have the restroom operational by next week.
Mitchel Broadwell shot 25 on the skeet range. Connor L(last name?) had 14 on 5-stand and Lewis Legge 25 on trap. If you want to learn safe gun handling and target shooting, now is a good time. We’ve plenty of range officers who are glad to help. Shoot well.