Pictured left right are: Ambassadors Chris Bichler, Dr. Vern Anderson, Dani McClean, Sarah Aberle, Kimberly Cook (CCEDC Chair), Travis Wong and Eddy Yuja of Basil and Ambassdor Scott Tweed (Photo Courtesy: Carrington Chamber)
CARRINGTON, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Recently, Carrington Chamber & EDC Ambassadors were pleased to hold a ribbon cutting at Basil by Travis Wong.
Travis Wong started this business in February 2022, offering cooking classes and community education in our region. Travis has extensive experience as a chef and has a passion for cooking and educating people on great cooking. He is keeping his day job at Dry Dock Sports and his cohort Eddy Yuja is employed by Larsen Plumbing, Heating & AC. Some of the communities that Travis and Eddy have offered classes are Carrington, New Rockford, as well as Jamestown and they are heading to Devils Lake soon at the Heritage Center there.
However, classes on making pasta, potstickers, wontons and more have been happening in Carrington and it’s convenient and exciting to have a Carrington location to work out of.
Now, the duo has their own digs for their side hustle as they are located in the Nodak Mutual Insurance building at 930 First St S. The rental space provides space and seating for approximately 10-12 people at a time.
For more information or to get in on a fun cooking class, contact Basil via Facebook or Instagram.