
VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – The CROP WALK for HUNGER will be held on Wednesday, May 3rd, starting at 7 pm. “Everyone in the community is encouraged to either walk or donate,” states Sharon Buhr co-chair of the event. “Our vision is a world where all have food, voice and a safe place to call home,” continues Buhr.

This is the 43rd walk in Valley City, of this ecumenical event. The walk will begin at the west side of Jefferson Elementary School. Walkers are invited to walk the “Jefferson Mile” (the mile surrounding Jefferson Elementary School,) once, twice or even more. Along the way walkers will find booths where members of Connect Church, Our Saviors Lutheran, Faith Lutheran, Trinity Lutheran, the Congregational Church and Epworth Methodist will be sharing information on hunger across the world and here in our area, as well as information about water, health and education. Donations may be made at any of the churches listed above, or come out May 3rd and walk and donate.

The goal is to raise $6000 of which 20% will go to our Barnes County Food Pantry.

Each year, CROP HUNGER WALKS support over 1000 food pantries, food banks, soup kitchens and shelters across the United States. Funds also go to Church World Service/CROP a faith based organization that believes we are stronger when we stand together, especially in the midst of challenging times. CWS/CROP works in over 65 countries around the world, helping relieve hunger, providing safe water and bringing development projects to areas where people need help in Asia and Africa.

In North Dakota over 36,000 people are facing hunger (one in 21 people) and one in 12 are children. Twenty percent of the donations will be given to the Barnes County Food Pantry and another five percent to the Hi liner Food Pantry located at Valley City High School. “There is more than enough food produced in the world to feed everyone on the planet. Yet as many as 828 million people still go hungry,” notes Buhr. More than 48 million of these people are facing emergency levels of hunger, with the threat of acute malnutrition, starvation, and death, according to the World Food Program, and the number is growing at an alarming rate. “We walk to raise funds to help people all across the world,” continues Buhr, and invites everyone to come out and walk on May 3rd.

For more information, contact Sharon Buhr at 840-0973.