VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – April 15th was “Jackie Robinson Day” in Major League Baseball (MLB) celebrating the anniversary of his first day in MLB. In 1947, Jackie, a Hall of Famer, played for the “Brooklyn Dodgers” and was the first ballplayer in MLB who was black. Aaron Boone, Yankees’ Manager said “Jackie was larger than baseball and one of the most important figures in American History.”
A number of our Valley City Public School (VCPS) facilities are in dire need of repair or replacement. The high school was built in 1919 and upkeep let alone updating are very expensive. Washington and Jefferson need work too though the high school is the most needy. For detailed information, contact school administration or a school board member. A friend told us, “We are responsible to furnish educational opportunities for two generations following us.” We have fallen way behind with our facilities so we need to “step up” to have good school buildings for our children and our grandchildren.
Last week’s warm weather melted much snow and the cooler temperatures over the weekend slowed melting again. If that melting pattern continues, it may minimize flooding. Forecasts are promising though significant rain or high temperatures could change things. Stay tuned.
Spring is nearing, people are riding motorcycles & bikes while kids are out playing, tracksters are running and others are out walking. Please be aware of these things when you are driving so we can keep everyone safe. Remember, pedestrians have “Right-of-Way” at crosswalks, STOP for them. Thank you everyone.
Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) is investing in regional transmission lines to generate income and offset total transmission service costs for MRES Members. Thank you.
“In baseball there is always tomorrow. Maybe you got me today, but tomorrow – – – I am coming back.”
~ Buck O’Neil
Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful, Dave Carlsrud mayor of Valley City.