
VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – This week, Valley City Public Schools is meeting with six advisory committees to discuss the future of the district’s school facilities.

Superintendent Josh Johnson said the school district’s goal is to receive feedback from community representatives on facility options; the options have been developed from two years of studying the school facilities. Altogether, more than 175 invitations have been sent to individuals representing young adults, parents, community leaders, senior citizens, staff, and rural or agricultural community members.

Johnson said next Wednesday, April 19th, the School Board will meet at 5:30pm to discuss the feedback provided by the advisory committees. The school board members are in the process of developing a long-range facility plan and are considering the next steps for the school district during upcoming board meetings in April, May, and June. Presently, the goal is to have a Long-Range (25-year) Facilities Plan adopted and begin implementation by the end of June 2023.

He said the two-year facilities study at Valley City Public Schools has identified more than $37 million dollars of capital maintenance needs in the school district’s aging facilities. Valley City High School, built in 1919, ranks as one of the oldest schools in North Dakota. In addition to studying new K-12 schools, the district has looked extensively into remodeling and renovation.

If you have any questions regarding the study of our school facilities and/or are interested in attending an upcoming advisory meeting, please contact Abby Ingstad, District Administrative Assistant, at 701.845.0483 or

The pictures highlight a few of the capital maintenance needs in the school district, to view, open up the attachment below.
