(NewsDakota.com/NAFB) – Many farmers in rural America hire some custom machine work in their farm business or perform custom work for others. Others may rent machinery or perform other services. To help producers and custom operators examine the current market, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach publishes the Iowa Farm Custom Rate Survey.
Most custom farming rates saw an increase of 10-15 percent. Custom planting ranges from $12.50 to $45 per acre, depending on the type of planter and setup. Combining corn showed an average of $41.30 per acre, and combining soybeans averaged $39.90 an acre, an increase of 12.4 percent and 10.7 percent, respectively.
ISU Extension says the information in the survey is meant to be a starting point for farmers and agribusinesses to engage in conversations and negotiations. It’s not meant to set the rate for a particular practice or operator.
The survey assumed diesel prices would be around $3.39 a gallon.