BISMARCK, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The North Dakota Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Association will host their 47th Annual EMS Convention in Bismarck. Over 550 emergency medical personnel will be in attendance April 13-15 at the Bismarck Event Center to obtain continuing education and see the latest products in the exhibit showcase. There will be over 60 exhibit spaces with over 50 different exhibitors showcasing their products.
The Bismarck Event Center Exhibit Hall will be filled with ten ambulances vendors and many other booths that include education centers, hospitals and other safety organizations, ambulance billing and insurance, transportation equipment, and other EMS-related equipment and supplies.
Thursday evening, April 13, an exhibitor social will be held at the Bismarck Event Center from 5-7 pm with the general public invited to attend and view the EMS equipment and other displays. The convention concludes Saturday, April 15.
For more information on the conference, visit: https://www.ndemsa.org/2023-Annual-Conference