JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com/SJA) – The St. John’s Academy (SJA) Archery Club (Middle School and Elementary) participated in the ND State NASP Archery Tournament in Minot on March 17th & 18th. Both Bullseye and 3D rounds were shot at the state tournament.
With the top three teams placing, the SJA Middle School Bullseye and Elementary 3D teams both qualified for NASP National Tournament! The SJA Archery Club is now preparing for the 2023 NASP Western National Tournament in Sandy, Utah on April 28th & 29th.
Those who have an interest in supporting the SJA Archery Club, are encouraged to call the St. John’s Academy school office for details: 701-252-3397
Team State Placings:
• Bullseye Middle School Division: SJA Archers placed 2nd in state with a score of 3163 • 3D Elementary Division: SJA Archers placed 3rd in state with a score of 1383
There were also several individual top 10 placings that qualified those archers for the national tournament, listed below.
Bullseye Placings:
2nd Place Elementary Girls, McKenna Lipetzky, 267, (2nd out of 99)
5th Place Elementary Girls, Leah Mann, 260, (5th out of 99)
3D Placings:
1st Place Elementary Girls, Maelee Dockter, 261 (1st out of 78)
5th Place Elementary Girls, McKenna Lipetzky, 248 (5th out of 78)
8th Place Elementary Girls, Leah Mann, 231 (8th out of 78)
A high number of SJA archers shot personal bests at the State Tournament, including Theo Strukel who shot the team-high individual score of 277, which included one 10-meter round with a perfect 50 score.
Principal Jeff Trumbauer said, “We are very proud of our Archery Club and the time they’ve put into practicing. Our coaches do a wonderful job guiding and encouraging our archers who have shown great improvement throughout the year. Our whole school will be cheering them on at Nationals!”