VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The 28th annual Valley City State University Scholarship Auction will be held April 28, at the Valley City Eagles Club. The theme is “A Night at the Track” and attendees are encouraged to dress in racing attire of any kind. Auction tickets are $60 each, which includes admission, two drink tickets and a buffet dinner.
“The scholarship auction is the single biggest event (in terms of generating scholarship dollars) the VCSU Foundation office works on each year,” said Kim Hesch, assistant director for advancement. “Scholarships are vital to VCSU’s success and all proceeds from the auction go directly to V-500 and Century Club scholarships.”
The social hour will begin at 5:00 p.m. The silent auction, available through the Handbid app, will start on Monday, April 24 at 1 p.m. and will end on Friday, April 28 at 8:30 p.m. The app can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play Store. After downloading, participants can follow the prompts to create an account, then choose “VCSU Scholarship Auction 2023” from the list. Users can monitor their winning and losing bids from the dashboard, receive notifications when they have been outbid, and checkout within the app at the end of the night. Participants need not be present to win.
As in past auctions, the evening will also feature the popular Mystery Wine Table along with a variety of raffle giveaways. This year we will also be selling a limited number of VCSU champagne filled flutes. They will be numbered, and a drawing will take place at the start of the auction. Come early to get your champagne flute!
The buffet dinner will be served at 6 p.m. with live auction to follow at 7 p.m. This is an opportunity to bid on great items while contributing to scholarships, offering some financial relief for future and current VCSU students.
Auction items are currently being solicited for the event. Anyone wishing to donate an item can contact the VCSU Foundation office. As the event approaches, a list of silent and live auction items will be made available on the VCSU Foundation website at vcsualumni.org; click on the “Auction” banner.
For more information regarding the VCSU Scholarship Auction, to purchase tickets or to donate an item, call the VCSU Foundation Office at 701-845-7203.