JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The city of Jamestown has open positions on various city committees and boards.
Currently, the city has 2 open positions on the board of adjustments, one is a 3 year term to January of 2025, the other is an unexpired term to January of 2025.
The city is also seeking to fill a position on the forestry committee, which is a 3 year term to April of 2026.
The city also has an open position on the special assessment commission, which is a 6 year term to April of 2029.
If you are interested in serving in any of these postions, you are asked to complete an application for employment, which can be found at City Hall in Jamestown, or by calling 701-252-5900. You can also get the application online here.
The application should be returned by April 17, 2023 to:
City of Jamestown
Attn: Appointments
102 3rd Avenue SE
Jamestown, ND 58401-4205