(NewsDakota.com/USDA) – U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development North Dakota State Director Erin Oban Thursday announced the availability of grants to help people repair their homes that were damaged by severe storms and snowstorms in 2022.
The homes must be located in presidentially declared disaster areas. People living in 41 counties in North Dakota are eligible for the funding.
“A home is one of the largest and most significant investments an individual or family will ever make,” said Oban. “Affordable, accessible housing builds communities and provides safety, security, and dignity to each of us who are fortunate to buy or rent a place to call home. Because of the tremendous value and with such a limited supply of affordable housing in North Dakota’s rural communities, USDA Rural Development is providing an opportunity to qualifying rural single-family homeowners to access grants to make crucial repairs and improvements following some of the extreme weather events experienced across 41 North Dakota counties in 2022. Programs like the Rural Disaster Home Repair Grant Program and other single-family housing programs offered through USDA Rural Development are here to keep rural people safely in their rural homes.”
The grants are being made available through supplemental disaster funding under the Rural Disaster Home Repair Grant Program. Through this program, people may apply to receive grants of up to $40,675 directly from USDA to repair their homes.
Funds will be available until expended. They may be used to:
– pay for home repair expenses that were a result of a Presidentially declared disasters in calendar year 2022.
– prepare a site for a manufactured home.
– relocate a manufactured home.
To be eligible:
– applicants must have household incomes that do not exceed the low-limits based on their household size and county.
– homes must be located in an eligible rural area.
– homes must be located in a Presidentially declared disaster areas 2022.
Residents in the following counties may be eligible for the funding: Adams, Hettinger, Ransom, Barnes, Kidder, Renville, Billings, LaMoure, Richland, Bottineau, Logan, Rolette, Burke, McHenry, Sargent, Cavalier, McIntosh, Steele, Dickey, McKenzie, Stutsman, Divide, McLean, Towner, Dunn, Mercer, Traill, Foster, Mountrail, Walsh, Golden Valley, Nelson, Ward, Grand Forks, Oliver, Wells, Grant, Pembina, Williams, Griggs and Ramsey.
For more information on how to apply, contact the USDA RD North Dakota Single Family Housing Office at (701)-495-7690, by email at info@nd.usda.gov or visit https://www.rd.usda.gov/nd.
The Biden-Harris Administration championed the bill known as the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, that made this funding possible.
In the coming weeks and months, USDA expects to announce additional funding availability under the bill to help rural people in presidentially declared disaster areas who were impacted by natural disasters in 2022.
This additional funding will assist eligible organizations help rural people repair and improve their homes. It will also help rural communities repair water infrastructure and essential community facilities.