JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com/Jmst Tourism) – It takes a village to make a village operate successfully.
That’s the current donor campaign for the Frontier Village in Jamestown. Support is being asked for assistance on the many projects planned in 2023 for the site. Donations will go towards a mix of deferred maintenance and new attractions. Needed maintenance includes stagecoach repair, school house exterior painting, boardwalk & awning work, pony ring repairs and replacements.
New attractions in need of support include a re-circulating milk cow, square dance interactive exhibit, prairie pollinator garden, horse shoe pits, and interactive shooting gallery.
“Maintaining historic buildings, building new attractions and experiences, and giving visitors a great impression of Jamestown cannot be done by one entity alone,” said Allison Limke, Visitor Experience Manager for Jamestown Tourism. “You can be a part of the progress by donating
to a project, arranging a service day with your company, our volunteering on your own!”
With more than 100,000 people estimated to visit annually, donations and support will be vital to upkeeping and improving this site in Jamestown.
Your contribution, large or small, will be used to make improvements and match grants we apply for to improve our Frontier Village.
If you would like to make a donation or would like more information, you can contact the Tourism office and ask for Emily or Allison by calling 701-251-9145.