
Photo: Jamestown Chamber

( Chamber) – Members of the Jamestown Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Committee and the Young Professionals of Jamestown presented the Customer Service Award for March to Officer Scott Geiszler for his outstanding customer service.

The chamber honors individuals who demonstrate a consistent commitment to delivering products or services that satisfy customers by exceeding their requirements or expectations.

His nomination letter said:

“I witnessed Geiszler’s interaction with a student that left a forever impact on the student. Geiszler took as much needed time that was necessary to show this individual student the ins and outs of his police car, while allowing all of the questions to be asked, and answered. Following this interaction there was a special bracelet that Geiszler wore, and he explained the meaning of this bracelet on his wrist to said student. He informed him that he has not removed the bracelet since he has received it himself. He then proceeded to take the bracelet off and gave it to the student. Since that interaction, this individual continues to wear the bracelet every single day.”

Congratulations to Officer Geiszler! Customer Service Award nomination forms are available at the Chamber office and on their website or call 701-252-4830.