
LISBON, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The following is a response to the District 24 Legislative Oversight Committee meetings that have discussed the voting records of District 24 Legislators during the ongoing 2023 legislative session.

“We’ve heard and been directed to some articles put out by an official-sounding legislative oversight committee. This is a deceiving title as there is no North Dakota code setting out this committee.

Apparently, failed District 24 House candidate, Madeline Luke, is heading up this endeavor. Alan Adams, former Chairman of District 24 Democrats is listed as spokesperson. No other members of this group are listed. The committee of “non-partisan” participants seems very concerned with Legislative District 24 meet-and-greet schedules.

Luke has complained about the schedule our District 24 legislators have developed and posted for public meetings. Yes, Madeline Luke, you can hold all the meetings you want to, but what makes you think you can interject your own schedule of meet and greets/forums on our legislators when they already agreed upon a schedule and disseminated that to constituents?

We attended the Lisbon Legislative Forum held January 28. Others in attendance were a Ransom County Gazette reporter, Enderlin, Lisbon, and District 24 residents. Madeline Luke was not present at the Lisbon meeting. Many bills of the legislative session were discussed. This was one of five meet-and-greets put on this legislative cycle by our team of legislators. That same morning the legislators attended another meeting in Litchville which, from what we hear, had a good turnout. In addition to the public meetings that our legislative team has already participated in Valley City, Litchville, Lisbon, two more meetings are coming up, one in Enderlin and a final one in Valley City.

Face-to-face meetings are a good thing and encouraged by our legislators to engage in public discourse, which they are doing. In addition to meeting in person, our District 24 legislators are available by phone and email. Which is a more convenient option to many, considering travel time, expense, conflicting schedules, and illness.

My concern is with the misinformation driven by an obvious left wing attack from a highly partisan group: the so-called “legislative oversight committee.”  The voters of District 24 voted down Madeline Luke for many reasons, which were made public to the voters.”

Sheryl Dagman

Lisbon, N.D.

Upcoming District 24 Legislative Meet and Greet Schedule.

Saturday, March 25th – at the Enderlin Inn Conference room from 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM.

Saturday, April 1st in the Valley City High School Cafeteria from 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM.

District 24 State Senator Mike Wobbema along with Representative’s Cole Christiansen and Dwight Kiefert will field questions from the audience concerning bills of interest from the 2023 legislative session.