(NewsDakota.com/NorthDakotaAgConnection.com) – February is grain bin safety month. North Dakota is no exception when it comes to grain bin entrapments and engulfments. In 2020, North Dakota ranked second in the nation for recorded grain-bin-related entrapments in the Summary of U.S. Agricultural Confined Space-Related Injuries and Fatalities report from Purdue University. Keep in mind, those reports do not account for all grain bin related injuries and fatalities.
Research estimates that 30% of confined spaces incidences, including grain bin entrapments, are unreported or undocumented. Farms and ranches employing fewer than 11 non-family employees are not covered by federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) injury reporting requirements, meaning many farm and ranch injuries are not reported.
“The ultimate way of reducing and eliminating grain bin injuries and fatalities is by teaching and promoting zero entry in a confined space,” says Angie Johnson, North Dakota State University Extension farm and ranch safety coordinator. “However, we know that many factors may lead an individual to enter a grain bin, making the need for intervention tools, trainings and rescue techniques a harsh reality.”
Johnson suggests volunteer fire departments discuss equipment needs and training opportunities for responding to a grain bin rescue. Training is critical so responders know how to use equipment in a rescue situation. Fire departments can work with a local grain elevator and the North Dakota Firefighters Association or the Minnesota Safety and Security Consultation Specialists to set up a grain bin extrication and rescue training event. Neighboring fire departments can coordinate to ensure they are able to work together on a rescue. It takes a large team to respond to an incident, adds Johnson.
Grant opportunities can help fire departments interested in grain bin rescue equipment and training. Community members can nominate their fire department for one of the following grant opportunities:
AgCountry Farm Credit Services
This grant program awards grain bin rescue tubes and a video/on-site training to fire departments in eastern North Dakota and western Minnesota.
Eligible North Dakota counties are Barnes, Benson, Bottineau, Burke, Cass, Cavalier, Dickey, Divide, Eddy, Foster, Grand Forks, Griggs, LaMoure, McHenry, McKenzie, McLean, Mountrail, Nelson, Pembina, Pierce, Ramsey, Ransom, Renville, Richland, Rolette, Sargent, Sheridan, Steele, Stutsman, Towner, Traill, Walsh, Ward, Wells and Williams.
Eligible Minnesota counties are Becker, Beltrami, Big Stone, Chippewa, Clay, Clearwater, Douglas, Grant, Hubbard, Kandiyohi, Kittson, Koochiching, Lac qui Parle, Lake of the Woods, Lincoln, Lyon, Mahnomen, Marshall, Meeker, Norman, Otter Tail, Pennington Polk, Pope, Red Lake, Redwood, Renville, Roseau, Stevens, Swift, Traverse, Todd, Wadena, Wilkin and Yellow Medicine.
To participate, individuals must nominate their fire department before May 26. Click here.
Nationwide Insurance and the National Education Center for Ag Safety
This grant awards grain rescue tubes and hands-on rescue training to first responders and fire departments across the U.S., especially in rural communities that do not have access to this equipment or currently possess this equipment and training.
Nominations will be accepted until April 30 at 11:59 p.m. CST.
Grant rules and instructions on how to make a nomination can be found here.
Contact the coordinators listed on each website for additional information about the grants and nomination requirements.
In addition to the opportunities mentioned above, NDSU Extension is working on a pilot project that will bring local fire departments, farmers and county emergency managers together to tackle grain bin safety as a team. For more grain bin safety resources from NDSU Extension, click here.
“Thank you to all who serve as volunteer firefighters, paramedics, first responders and more within your communities,” says Johnson. “Grain bin safety is a community safety and public health issue, as many people have been impacted or know of someone who has been impacted by a grain bin rescue or fatality. By working together to prevent grain bin entrapments and learn how rescue situations work, we can save lives.”