VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – About 50 people attended the first non-partisan, public informational session for citizens interested in what is going on in the 2023 legislative session.
Event organizer Madeline Luke said the meeting was organized because it is important for constituents to know what is being done on their behalf by their elected representatives. During the meeting, Luke presented a listing of the bills each legislator sponsored or co-sponsored (with a short description of each), as well as a listing of committee and floor votes to date.
A second public informational session will be held Monday, February 27th at 7 pm in the Valley City High School Cafeteria to review active bill after crossover. All three District 24 legislators have been invited to attend this meeting. Crossover for North Dakota legislators is February 24th thru March 1st.
Legislative Oversight Committee spokesperson Alan Adams invites you to a presentation of the District 24 Legislative Scorecard. Here’s what the scorecard will consist of:
1. A listing of bills each of our District 24 legislators has sponsored or cosponsored with a short description of the bills.
2. Review bills that are going forward after crossover and District 24 legislators votes.
Those interested in attending the public informational/legislative oversight committee meeting should use the W3 Door on the west side of the High School building in Valley City.