JAMESTOWN, ND. – The Elks National Hoop Shoot is a free-throw contest for youth ages 8 to 13. More than 3 million youth participate nationally each year and 1600 from North Dakota.
The contest begins with the local schools hosting the initial event. The winners from each school, then move on to a sponsoring Elk’s lodge contest. There are 7 lodges in the State of North Dakota; Fargo, Jamestown, Devils Lake, Bismarck-Mandan, Minot, Dickinson and Williston. The winners in each age bracket are awarded the opportunity to advance to the State Level which is held in Jamestown.
The winners of each age division at the State Level advance to Region 2 held in Rapid City, South Dakota. Region 2 consists of North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana. The Region 2 Champion in each age division will have an opportunity to compete at the National Level against 11 other regions. The National Elks Hoop Shoot Contest is in Chicago, Illinois. The Winners in each age category will get the names inscribed in the NBA Hall of Fame.
Jamestown locals Weston Readel and Macey Neumiller won the ND State Elks Hoop Shoot Champion in their respective age groups.