VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Hopefully this time finds you and yours well. As we move toward spring the cold spells are usually a bit shorter so “hang in there.”
Another indication of spring is tournament competition for winter sports is beginning. The North Dakota High School Activities Association (NDHSAA) held its state wrestling tournament last week at the FARGODOME. There were nice sized crowds which makes competing more fun for the girls and boys. Great job wrestlers. New and exciting at state wrestling this year was having two young gals, Jenna Gerhardt of Devils Lake and Dana Henry of Bismarck officiating. Jenna and Dana, “Thank you for becoming officials.” Hopefully a number of you folks, female and male, will consider officiating; “Its a rush.” See: #NDHSAA #NDpreps #BecomeAnOfficial.
Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) hired a new President and CEO, Matt Schull, to lead our Joint-Action Agency into its next chapter of service. Matt is from Wisconsin and along with his wife, Kim, will be moving to Sioux Falls from North Carolina. Welcome Matt & Kim. Rock Lake, North Dakota native Tom Heller will be completing a 30-year career with MRES, 23-years of which were as President and CEO. Thank you for your great service Tom and the best to you & Lori in retirement.
In the Bible, a person was leaving the burning city, looked back and turned into a pillar of salt. In modern day, a person was driving & texting, looked down and turned into a telephone pole! Keep your eyes on the road!
“We can learn from a box of crayons, some have weird names and all are different colors, but they all live in the same box.” ~ Anonymous
Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and be Respectful, Dave Carlsrud mayor of Valley City.