L to R; Chris O’Connor & Casey Colville
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Two men from Walhalla, ND captured 1st and 3rd place in the Sharp Shooter Showdown pool tournament held February 4th at the Valley City Eagles Club.
Chris O’Connor of Walhalla was number one followed by Taylor Halvorsen of Fargo who received 2nd place. Trey Lafferty of Walhalla got 3rd place and Seth Bair of Jamestown came in 4th during the 12th annual Sharp Shooter Showdown 8 ball singles tournament.
Congratulations to the other top ten finishers, not pictured, 5th Mike Hoffer, 6th Jayden Keys, 7th Hunter Lautt, and 8th Dave Kemmer.
Event coordinator Casey Colville said there were 56 entries this year in the 64 man pool tournament.