BISMARCK, N.D. (NewsDakota.com/KFGO) – The North Dakota House has approved a bill that would determine when a dog can be declared a public nuisance and put to death. HB 1364 passed 56-34.
Representative Bernie Satrom of Jamestown is a co-sponsor. He said, previously, a nuisance dog would have to be on a public road or public street to be considered a public nuisance. This bill clarifies that if a dog is habitually harassing somebody on their property, that person has protections.
Grand Forks Representative Steve Vetter opposed the legislation. He said the bill had a quick “do-pass” recommendation in committee with no explanation about what the bill actually does.
After the committee vote, Vetter did more research on the bill and found if a dog was a public nuisance, a judge must order any peace officer “to kill and bury the dog.”
Vetter said the nuisance dog problem should be handled through a local ordinance and not a state law.
The Senate will take up the bill next month.