File photo from District 24 Forum held in Litchville, ND.
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – On Saturday, February 11th between 9 AM and 10 AM, the Legislative Oversight Committee invites District 24 citizens to view “Legislative Scorecards” at the Valley City Jr/Sr High School Cafeteria use (doorW3.)
Event coordinator Madeline Luke said the ongoing session of the ND State Legislature must vote on 960 bills and resolutions proposed by elected Representatives and Senators. In the interest of promoting transparency, the Committee will present the list of bills sponsored or co-sponsored by Reps. Kiefert and Christensen and Sen. Wobbema along with a short description of each measure.
She said their committee and floor votes to date will also be listed. They, along with area legislators will be invited to attend. The goal of this non-partisan session is education, not advocacy.
Luke said the Legislative Oversight Committee is a bipartisan group interested in promoting dialogue between elected representatives to the state legislature and the people they serve.