VALLEY CITY, N.D (NewsDakota.com) – Last week St. Catherine’s School celebrated National Catholic Schools Week. Monday began with a program honoring veterans and soldiers who are currently serving. Thank you to the St. Kates students, teachers and administrators for your patriotic efforts.
February is Black History Month in our nation. It is a great time to recognize the many black people who have been significant in shaping our nation and the world. A few folks you may enjoy googling are; Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, Mohamed Ali, Malcom X and Martin Luther King. They are good stories.
Do you have fire extinguishers in your homes & businesses? Extinguishers, properly serviced annually and strategically placed, can allow you to extinguish fire and save your home or business. The Valley City Fire Department (VCFD) services and sells fire extinguishers. For further information, contact Lance at 701-845-3351 or e-mail at lcoit@valleycity.us
To do a good job clearing snow, plows must travel fast enough to “throw snow” off the streets. When vehicles are parked on the streets, plows need to slow down and go around the vehicles leaving piles of snow by the vehicles. If you have more vehicles than off-street parking places, talk with your neighbors about partnering. Share driveways and other parking areas when snow events are forecast. Partnerships can be very gratifying; “Two horses can pull more than twice as much as one can.”
Wearing a seat belt properly can prevent your chest from being slammed into the steering column protecting your heart, lungs and other vital organs.
We are a municipal power community & our power was “on” 99.9999% of the time in January!
“Gravitation isn’t responsible for people falling in love.” ~ Albert Einstein
Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful, Dave Carlsrud mayor of Valley City.