
BISMARCK, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – A Grand Forks lawmaker who is leading a push for school choice funding in North Dakota says curriculum and COVID-19 prove the time is right for school choice.

Republican Claire Corey has authored a bill that would compensate non-public schools in North Dakota from 15 to 30 percent of the state’s per pupil rate, roughly a range of 1500 to 3000 dollars, for students enrolled in schools that qualify.

Corey says the public schools response to the pandemic and current battles over curriculum that has been controversial nationwide make this the right time for such a measure.

The bill estimates it’s cost at 24 million dollars, and would bar the superintendent of public instruction and other state officials from forcing changes to how non-public schools operate or accept students in order to be eligible to receive funds.

This week is National School Choice Week.