VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The following is a news release from the Valley City Barnes County Public Library concerning the book “Let’s Talk About It” following a January 5th public hearing and testimony received by the six person library board.
“After careful review of local community members’ requests for reconsideration of the book “Let’s Talk About It: The Teen’s Guide to Sex, Relationships, and Being a Human” by Erika Moen and Matthew Nolan, and following a public hearing that was held on January 5, the Valley City-Barnes County Library Board has determined that the book will remain in our collection but will be shelved in our adult, non-fiction collection.
The Library Board, with input from our professional staff and patrons, carefully considered each and every voice. We appreciate those of you that have reached out with the best interests of our community in mind. While this issue has raised many concerns and caused considerable controversy, our intention will always be to unite rather than divide. With a vote of four in favor of relocating the book to one opposed, the Library Board believes that this decision alleviates many of the concerns related to the book while also respecting our fundamental Freedom to Read principles. Protecting our community’s right to read and the right to access information is the essence of what we do. With this decision and consistent with VCBC Library published policies, we will no longer accept or review further requests for reconsideration regarding “Let’s Talk About It.” Thank you to those that have reached out in support of our amazing staff – they are the reason we are able to provide the services of the VCBC Library and offer many and varied resources to our patrons and the larger community. We would like to thank everybody for voicing their opinions and for adhering to the rules laid out in our reconsideration policy. Thank you for your input and your fearless defense of the Right to Read. Most importantly, thank you to our patrons who continue to seek information, safety, and acceptance within the walls of our library – we hope that the new and exciting things we are creating will continue to foster your love of reading, discovery, and your love for our public library.”
Valley City-Barnes County Library Board of Directors.
Valley City Barnes County Library Director Anita Tulp had this response to the boards final decision.
Tulp said Alan Blom was the only board member to vote against the motion to move the book to the adult section of the library. She said board president Hilde van Gijssel abstained from the vote during a special board meeting on January, 12th in the library.