JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Choralaires have been entertaining audiences since 1955.
Since the pandemic, the performances have been a bit limited. But, a favorite event is coming back. The Dinner Concert: Honor/Dedication/Remembrance will be Friday, January 27th, and Saturday, January 28th at the Reiland Fine Arts Center on the University of Jamestown campus. The doors will open at 6:30 pm, and the concert begins at 7 pm.
The event will feature a meal and music performed by the Choralaires. According to member Mark Sherfy, they haven’t performed a dinner concert in over 3 years.
Tickets for the event are $40 and available only in advance from Looysen I Care in Jamestown.
A full interview with Mark Sherfy of the Choralaires is below…