VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Valley City Café Concert will be held in the Hi Liner Activity Center January 21st thru 23rd. The music will feature Karaoke Classics this year.
Advanced ticket sales for table seats for students go on sale Wednesday, January 11th from 5pm to 7pm. Advanced ticket sales for the general public go on sale Thursday, January 12th from 5pm to 7pm in the Valley City High School, use door #2 on the north side of the high school.
Phone and email ticket orders will be accepted after January 12th by calling Ticket Sales Chair Lori Jury at 490-1034 or 845-1558. email jljury2@msn.com. Make checks payable to Music Boosters.
Table seats $8.
Bleacher seats $7 for adults or $6 for students available at the door the day of the concert.