
VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – The Valley City Barnes County Public Library will be holding a public hearing regarding the book “Let’s Talk About It” on Thursday, January 5th.

Since September, a group of citizens have been asking the library director and the board of directors to remove the book from circulation due to its graphic images and (according to the group) the controversial message it portrays about human sexuality.

Library board director Anita Tulp said no member of the public will be allowed to speak without signing up ahead of time. She talked about the sign-up procedure.

She said the deadline to submit a request to speak will be Thursday, January 5th at 4pm.
The hearing is open to the public, and will be held Thursday, January 5th at 5:30pm in the VCSU Skoal Room, located in the VCSU Student Center.

To sign up to speak at the hearing call the library director at 845-3821, or email