
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – On Saturday, December 10th the Valley City Parks and Rec Dept. sponsored a youth basketball tournament with over 65 teams. It was fun seeing all the people around town.  Thank you Parks & Rec.

Since we have had more slippery conditions, there have been more accidents.  That said, there have been a number of injuries and deaths where people were not wearing seat belts.  “Seat belts save lives.” Please wear a seat belt, it may save your life allowing you continued time with your family and friends.

Christmas Lighting, garland, trees and other decorations are present throughout town.  During this season of love, hope and peace, why not take a little drive and enjoy?

This week’s weather is forecast to be pretty nasty with possible rain, snow and wind.  Be sure to have a complete winter survival kit in your vehicles and drive as conditions dictate.

Become a sports official, “Without officials, it is just practice.”  Call 701-845-3953 for information.

Every once-in-awhile conflicts seem to arise in our lives.  A path to finding resolution is; clarify the issue, bring parties together to talk and identify possible solutions.  To make it work, we each need to respect the other’s position and simply communicate. Face-to-face seems to be the most effective so  “Don’t let your ants become alligators” communicate.

There are a couple weeks left to “Ring the Bell.”  Please sign up and enjoy seeing the people. Call Naomi at 701-541-1418 or Lenora at 701-840-1357.  Thank you to all who “donate and ring” for our Barnes County Salvation Army Unit.

The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.”  ~ C. S. Lewis                                  

Blessings, Pray and Be Safe, Dave Carlsrud, mayor of Valley City