By Nick Simonson
While the spring trap shooting season – be it organized through the North Dakota State High School Clay Target League (“ND CTL” at – or via a local shooting sports club, may be a few months off, those avid young shotgunners are already chomping at the bit for more competition and excitement behind the trap house. With high school leagues starting in March this year, it really won’t be too long until those seasons start, and the holidays are the right time to help an avid trapshooter gear up for his or her favorite events on the range next spring. What follows are some great gifts to keep those young competitors in shooting shape and advancing their averages when the next season does start.
Custom Vest or Pouch
Trap shooters are very particular about their gear, and the decision on whether to employ a shooting vest or a pouch to carry their shells and empties is a personal one that comes down to fit and comfort. Luckily, once decided, a shooter typically sticks with one or the other, and the latter is often adjustable as they grow. The nice thing about both is entry models are fairly inexpensive, and with the help of a local embroidery shop, is easily customized. Consider picking one up for your young shooter and adding a name and nickname, and perhaps attaching any patches they’ve already picked up for their great shooting and presenting it on Christmas morning. They’ll think of you every time they pick up a shell, or drop a smoking hull into the empties bag.
The War Bag
Good trap shooters come prepared with ammo, chokes, tools, and cleaning kits stashed in a carry all that also totes their confidence. A shooting sports bag is an ideal addition to a young trap shooter’s gear selection, with pockets for everything they’ll need on an outing, and, like a vest or a pouch, is easily customized to the individual. Pricier leather models allow for classic, rustic gear totes, while fabric models are flexible and likely less expensive. The former can be stamped with symbols and letters, and the latter can also be embroidered with letters and patches. Best of all, after Christmas morning they won’t be left scrambling to find their shells and gear for their league rounds ever again.
Muzzle Pad
For those younger shooters just getting into trap, skeet or other clay target sports, sometimes just holding their shotgun for 50 or 75 targets can be a challenge. Have them take a load off with a magnetic foam or leather muzzle pad, which allows them to rest the end of their gun on something soft and take a load off their forearms and biceps. Not only does this let them rest the same muscles they use to set up their shot and stabilize their gun before calling “pull,” it also is a safer alternative as opposed to toe-pad rests, which are banned in high school shooting sports events run by ND CTL.
Time at the Range
Check with your local shooting sports facility for some ideal stocking stuffers. Whether it’s a gift card, a pre-purchased practice card, or even time under the guidance of a professional shotgun instructor, these little gifts go along way in getting the repetition on the range that makes good shooters great. With some added rounds and even some expert advice, shooters’ averages are sure to go through the roof in the next clay target season.
Add in some easy stocking stuffers like shotgun cleaning kits, Bore Snakes, Rem Oil wipes or a new set of shooting glasses, and the holidays set the stage for that other most wonderful time of the year – trap season! Get them together now for a holiday season to remember, and some unforgettable shooting in the months that come after.