JAMESTOWN, N.D.(NewsDakota.com) – Due to the recent snowfall, the City of Jamestown wants to remind residents of the snow removal ordinances of the city.
It is illegal to push or pile snow from your property onto the city right of way which includes streets and alleys. It is also illegal to push or pile snow from your property onto another’s property.
It is also a city ordinance to remove snow from sidewalks in a timely manner. This includes the entire sidewalk area that is adjoining the business or homeowner.
The city code is as follows…
City of Jamestown Municipal Code, Ordinance No. 1335 & 1336 relating to snow removal:
Sec. 25-10. – Snow and ice—Removal from sidewalk.
The occupant or owner of each lot or parcel of land and the owner of each unoccupied lot or parcel
within the city, adjoining any street, and along which sidewalks have been built, shall clear the
sidewalks and shall keep clear sidewalks along such lot or parcel of land all accumulations of snow and
ice. It is an offense for the owner of any lot in the city to fail to remove from such sidewalk in front of
or along any lot therein the ice or snow. The snow and ice may be removed by the city, and the
necessary expense thereof shall be chargeable against the abutting lot or property.
(a) The owner or occupant of any lot or parcel of land that is allowed by the City Engineer’s Office to
deposit snow or ice from sidewalks onto the city streets adjoining that property shall do so prior to the
city removing snow and ice from that adjoining street. It is an offense to deposit snow or ice on any
city street after the city has plowed or cleared snow and ice from that street.
(b) Violation of this section is a class B misdemeanor under the general penalty. (R.O. 1938, Ch. 18, §
22; Ord. No. 1335, 1-7-08)
Sec. 25-10.1. – Same—Deposit on streets and alleys, etc.
It shall be unlawful for any person to remove snow, slush, or ice from private property or from any
driveway, curb cut, or sidewalk and deposit the same upon the surface of any street or alley within the
city. The snow and ice may be removed by the city and the necessary expense thereof shall be
chargeable against the abutting lot or property.
(a) Violation of this section is a class B misdemeanor under the general penalty.
(Ord. No. 422; Ord. No. 1336, 1-7-08)
Improper and illegal snowplowing and removal operations occurring in the City of Jamestown include, but may
not be limited to:
• Pushing or piling snow from private property onto City Right-Of-Way (ROW), including Streets and alleys;
• Pushing or piling snow from private property onto other private property, State or Federal ROW;
• Piling of snow on public or private property in areas that obstruct natural cross-property drainage;
• Pushing or moving of snow from public Streets, alleys and ROW into piles on public ROW or private lands;
• Failure to remove snow from sidewalks in a timely fashion including pushing or piling snow from
“downtown” sidewalks areas into the street after City crews have plowed or wind-rowed snow on
“downtown” City streets.