(NDAgConnection.com) – The deadline to apply for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s 2023 Pasture, Rangeland and Forage (PRF) insurance is Dec. 1. The insurance covers perennial forages grown for grazing or hay planted prior to July 1 of the previous crop year intended for grazing or mechanically harvesting.
“PRF insurance provides payment for hay or grazing acres within a USDA-defined grid when rainfall in the defined area falls below a historic average,” says James Rogers, NDSU Extension forage crops production specialist. “This year the insurance is available to all North Dakota counties.”
Producers can select coverage intervals which are based on two adjacent months, such as April and May. At least two intervals must be chosen with a maximum of six per year. Rogers advises producers to choose intervals based on when the highest risk to forage production will occur.
The federal government pays for part of the insurance premium based on the coverage level chosen. Payments are based on deviations from the historic rainfall average.
“Some years pass without receiving indemnity payment, but indemnity payments should surpass premium payments in the long run,” says Rogers.
For more information, contact your local county office of NDSU Extension.