
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Operation Christmas Child is asking for donations to fill shoe boxes to help children less fortunate around the world.

Local Coordinator Terry Graalum talked about the importance behind this mission.

She talked about the items that should go into the shoe boxes and what is no longer accepted.

Connect Church is the drop-off location for Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box November 14th thru November 21st.

The drop-off will be November 14th 15th, 16th from 5pm to 7pm at Connect Church on Central Avenue South in Valley City.

Thursday, November 17th from 3pm to 5pm.

Friday, November 18th from 5pm to 7pm.

Saturday, November 19th from 10am to noon.

Sunday, November 20th from noon to 2pm.

Monday, November 21st from 9am to 11am at Connect Church in Valley City.

Graalum said Operation Christmas Child shoe box gifts have changed children’s lives. Every child who receives a box also gets a booklet called “The Greatest Gift” which helps them to learn about God’s greatest gift, His Son, Jesus Christ.

The children also have the opportunity to enroll in a 12-lesson follow up discipleship program. Many stories have been told of children receiving just what they needed in the shoe box like school supplies so they can attend school or their very own tooth brush so now they don’t have to share with other family members. Would you consider joining us in spreading Good News and great joy this year by packing a shoe box? To learn how to pack a shoe box, visit samaritanspurse.org/occ

Connect Church is located at 320 Central Ave S , Valley City, ND. Give the church a call at 701-845-4193.