
VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – The following is a series of messages for parents and guardian of students enrolled in the Valley City Public School District from Superintendent Josh Johnson.

“The local meteorologists are forecasting that there is a chance for some SNOW and winter conditions in our region on Thursday and Friday. Therefore, we feel it is finally time to hit send and share the Valley City Public Schools 2022-2023 Winter Weather Plan. Please carefully read the attached “Winter Weather Plan” and know that this plan can be found on our website at

Instant Alert System and Storm Homes
If you have not previously received calls from us on our Instant Alert System and would like to be added, please contact Sarah Biggers via email or by phone at 701.845.0483. At the beginning of the school year, parents/guardians provided the school district with student information for our Power School System, please use this as a reminder to discuss storm homes with your family and if you would like to verify or make changes to this information, please contact your child’s school office at Jefferson, Washington, or Junior/Senior High.

‘Grace’ Day, Make-up Days(2), Other Options (Make-up and Virtual Learning)
Valley City Public Schools will not make up the first day (or up to 7 hours) of school missed due to winter weather cancellations. After using our two storm make-up days (May 26 and March 17), the school district will consider other options such as additional make-up days, extension of the school day, and/or virtual learning days. Please know these options will be communicated with you well in advance, if it appears we are going to need to consider additional options.

After you have reviewed our Winter Weather Plan and subsequent information, if you have any questions, please contact us via email or phone.”

Thank you,

Josh Johnson


Valley City Public Schools

(701) 845-0483

The attachments below have more details for parents, guardians and students enrolled in the Valley City Public School District.


