VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Barnes County Historical Society Lecture Series Season 22 Presents: Gail Pederson, “Cannabis: Hemp, Marijuana and More,” Thursday, November 17th at 7 PM in the Barnes County Museum. (315 Central Ave N. Valley City, ND)
The use of cannabis for fiber, oil, and medicine has been documented around the world since ancient times. The history of cannabis use in the United States has gone from one of service during wars, contributions to the economy, and medicine to illegality and back again. The presentation will include current uses for hemp as an industrial product. A discussion of the medicinal CBD and THC products with advice on how to find a quality product will be given.
Gail Pederson is a Special Practice RN in Holistic Nursing and a cannabis nurse educator/consultant. She has extensive education on cannabis therapeutics and has an accredited program Cannabis 101: “What Medical professionals Need to Know.” She has been active in the ND state legislature since medical cannabis was voted in by ND, receiving the ND Legendary Nurse award in 2019 for that contribution and to the nursing profession. She is currently on the Government Policy and Advocacy committee for the American Cannabis Nurses Association.
All Lectures are at the Barnes County Historical Society Museum and held in conjunction with Valley City State University. They are free and open to the public.
For more information contact Wes Anderson at 701-845-0966.