
Photo from 2020

JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Joe Rowell, Jamestown’s Water Superintendent, was recently recognized with the prestigious Operator Meritorious Service Award for 2022.

The award annually recognizes individuals at the Section level for:

-Continuous compliance with all public health standards in treated drinking water.

-Consistent and outstanding contribution to plant maintenance thereby prolonging the useful life of equipment.

-The development of new and/or modified equipment or significant process modifications to provide for more efficient and/or effective treatment.

-Special efforts in the training of treatment plant operators.

-Special acts not directly related to water treatment, but which demonstrate dedication to the public beyond the normal operating responsibilities.

-Consistent and outstanding contribution to operation and/or maintenance of distribution lines, pump stations and reservoirs.

The award was presented at the Section’s annual conference and sponsored by the American Water Works Association. Rowell says he was honored to have achieved that recognition.

He added the support of his staff and the city are big factors in the recognition.

In a release from the city, they add Rowell has been involved in numerous projects in his four years as the city water superintendent.

“[H]e has been involved in many watermain improvement projects, spearheaded an aggressive maintenance and flushing operations program, began the process for implementing a radio read water meter infrastructure program, and ensures a quality water product,” the city states.

“Joe is very passionate about his job, his city, and the overall industry. Joe has also been at the forefront of dealing with chemical shortages that relate to making great quality water.”