Photo: Barnes County Sheriff candidates Randy McClaflin and Wade Hannig.
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – A public forum for Barnes County candidates was held on Thursday, October 13th in the Hi Liner Activity Center. Eight candidates received the invitation to the forum only four participated.
The forum started with Barnes County Sheriff candidates Randy McClaflin and Wade Hannig.
Incumbent candidate Randy McClaflin made this closing statement at the forum.
Challenger Wade Hannig had this response in his closing statement.
Barnes County District 2 candidate Cory Neseth talked about his political philosophy.
Neseth’s closing statement.
Barnes County District 3 candidate Eldred Knutson talked about what his priorities would be if elected.
Here was Knutson’s closing statement.
One question for the candidates was comical, and received some laughter from the audience. Who did you vote for in the 2020 presidential election? All four responded that they did not vote for the current president, but none of the candidates specified who they did voted for in the last presidential election.
On election day, Barnes County District 2 commissioner candidates Shawn Olauson and Cory Neseth, Barnes County District 3 candidates Bill Carlblom and Eldred Knutson and Barnes County District 4 candidates Vickie Lovell and Ron Manson will be on the November 8th ballot.
Early voting is underway. On election day, Tuesday, November 8th, there will be one polling place for all county residents inside the Barnes County Courthouse in Valley City.