JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Buffalo City will host several singers from across the state on Saturday, Oct. 15.
Surround the State in Song is an honor choral festival for North Dakota students in grades 5-7. Students from numerous schools will be in Jamestown to practice under guest conductor Connie Stordalen from Bismarck Horizon Middle School before performing a concert open to the public. Piano accompaniment will be provided by John Clodfelter from the University of Jamestown.
Schools in the area participating and their choral directors include: Buffalo City Homeschool-Heidi Tyson, Jamestown Middle School-Heather Aune, Sargent Central-Kaia Mahrer, Ellendale-Charlene Blondo, Zeeland-Trudy Fraase Wolf, Medina-Rochelle Bosche, and Monteplier-Kristen Lynch.
In North Dakota state, there are 61 schools and 596 students participating from Grand Forks, Fargo, Dickinson, Minot, Bismarck, Williston, and Jamestown.
The concert will be held at the Jamestown High School Auditorium at 3:30 PM. Cost of admission is $5 and 12 and under get in free.