VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – A public forum for Barnes County candidates will be held Thursday, October 13th at 5:30pm in the Hi Liner Activity Center.
Iain Woessner will be the moderator, he talked about the importance of holding a local candidates forum.
The forum will feature sheriff candidates Randy McClaflin and Wade Hannig.
Barnes County District 2 commissioner candidates Shawn Olauson and Cory Neseth, District 3 candidates Bill Carlblom and Eldred Knutson and District 4 candidates Vickie Lovell and Ron Manson have all been invited to the candidate’s forum Thursday night at 5:30pm in the Hi Liner Activity Center.
Election date is Tuesday, November 8th, early voting and in person voting is available in the Barnes County Courthouse. The full interview with Iain Woessner is below.