
( – The Renewable Fuels Association recently filed a motion to intervene on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency in a lawsuit over the Renewable Fuel Standard.

The Center for Biological Diversity filed a lawsuit against the agency seeking a court review of EPA’s Renewable Volume Obligations under the RFS for compliance years 2020 through 2022. The RFA is intervening on behalf of the agency to help stress the importance of a strong Renewable Fuel Standard.

The biofuel group’s goal is to “protect EPA’s substantial interest in the integrity of the RFS and investments RFA’s members have made in renewable fuels to support the program,” the motion states. “After years of mismanagement and setbacks by previous administrations, the Biden administration’s EPA is moving in the right direction on the RFS,” says RFA president and CEO Geoff Cooper. “We’re looking to intervene in the case so EPA can continue putting the RFS back on track.”