(NDAgConnection.com) – Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring is reminding farmers that assistance is available for blackbird damage to crops through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Wildlife Services program.
“Blackbirds cause millions of dollars in losses annually to sunflower and grain crops in North Dakota,” Goehring said. “Wildlife Services provides integrated blackbird damage management by loaning nonlethal management equipment to farmers and assisting with blackbird dispersal from sunflower fields and roost sites.”
Wildlife Services provides federal leadership and expertise to resolve wildlife conflicts that threaten public health and safety; and agriculture, property and natural resources. Wildlife Services provides services to residents of North Dakota through a Cooperative Service Agreement with the North Dakota Department of Agriculture, North Dakota Game and Fish, and the Department of Water Resources.
Goehring said those needing blackbird management may find the contact for their county here or by calling 701-355-3300.